About me:

Image / Bild: © TheTornSeemless

DE: Mein Name ist Alexander Sebastian Sauter-Renaldy und ich schreibe, zeichne, konzeptioniere und kommuniziere. Zumeist über Kunst, Kultur und soziales Miteinander.

EN: My name is Alexander Sebastian Sauter-Renaldy and I write, draw, conceptualize and communicate. Mostly about art, culture and social matters.


Logo & typography

Art direction & creative concept



Copy writing, editing DE & EN

Editorial & interviews

Project management & communication


Storyboards & Stills

Art & Photography

Styling & Curation

„My Vision is to Create new ideas and ideals in art,
communication, culture and design.“

Alexander Renaldy



DE: Kreativkonzepte (Print & Digital), Markenstrategie, Story- & Moodboards, Recherche, Marktanalyse, Beratung, Illustration, Designsprache, CI, Typografie & Layoutdesign, Entwicklungen für Barrierefreiheit (Beta).

EN: Creative concepts (print & digital), brand strategy, story- & mood boards, research, market analysis, consultancy, illustration, design language, CI, typography & layout design, accessibility development (Beta).


DE: Erstellung von Inhalten, Strategien für soziale Medien, Interviews und Leitartikel, Essays, Redaktion, Interviews usw.

EN: Content creation, social media strategies, interviews & editorials, essays, editing, interviews etc.


DE: Visuelle Kommunikation, redaktionelle Strategie, B2B, B2C, PR, Social Media Management, Kunden- und Künstlerbeziehungen, Pitches & Präsentationen etc.

EN: Visual communication, editorial strategy, B2B, B2C, PR, social media management, client- & artist relations, pitches & presentations etc.


Adobe: -InDesign, -Illustrator, -Photoshop, -Bridges, -XD, etc.
Affinity: -Publisher, -Photo, -Designer.
Programming: CSS, HTML, Java Script etc. WordPress & Contao
AI/KI: ChatGBT, DALL-E, Firefly, Playground
Admin: Microsoft Office Suite, Excel, Word, Pages, Powerpoint, etc.


Installation @ UDK Open Door
Installation @ Künstlerhaus Bethanien
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you need a creative?

Alexander Renaldy

Kurfürstenstraße 73
Berlin, 12105

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